At Shirestone Academy we deliver an imaginative and inspiring curriculum with a focus on key skills and independence to ensure our children understand the diversity of the world around us, their place within it and the skills they need to succeed. We are proud to be recognised as a Centre of Excellence through the Basic Skills Quality Mark Award (June 2017) and the Music Mark. We gained arts mark silver in June 2017.

In June 2017 we gained the Achievement for the Basic Skills Quality Mark.  Part of our vision is for every pupil to achieve the highest possible standards in the core subject areas of the National Curriculum; English, Maths and Science and therefore we have focused phonics, number, calculation, handwriting, reading, grammar and spelling sessions. We pride ourselves on ensuring to provide depth within our teaching of the core subjects. English is driven by a text theme which drives the English learning journey and links with the non-core subjects.

Our creative approach enables skills from their core subjects to be applied through the Foundation Subjects including History, Geography, Computing, Art, Design and Technology, Religious Education and Spanish. These subjects are delivered and ‘launched’ through real life experiences provided by Educational Visits and specialist visitors, drama and role-play. 

The staff and children at Shirestone have created ‘Shirestone’s Top 30’ where children get to experience something that they would not necessarily be able to experience in their home-life.

Our pupils take part in a rich and varied Physical Education curriculum which enables pupils to compete in a diverse range of sports. Pupils enjoy singing and have the opportunity to join the choir. Through ‘British Values’ and our embedded school values system, pupils’ celebrate their differences and similarities and celebrate the strengths and successes found in each other, an important part of each child’s personal, social and moral development.

Every Friday, the whole school take part in an arts themed afternoon where children get a variety of arts activities ranging from drama and photography to jewellery making.

 At Shirestone, we like to provide children with memorable experiences as well as incorporating a range of life skills.  The focus is child led but ensure that the knowledge and skills are being taught appropriately and effectively to make the learning 'sticky' for children. 

Every topic starts with a 'hook day' to immerse children with their topic and gives them opportunities to explore and investigate. The hook days are well planned by teachers to ensure children gain a varied rich experience through creativity.


Click here to see Autumn 1 Curriculum Overview